Our sweet sweet little Oliver turned 1 month today and it's pretty bittersweet.
He is SUCH a good baby. Honestly Charlie and I NEVER thought we would get a baby that is even better then Wesley was. He sleeps up to 6hrs at a time at night (to Wesley's 3 on the dot!) and the rest of the day he just hangs out. He'll sleep in his crib which is a huge difference from Wesley who refused to from day one!
He HATES to be naked... I mean HATES it! Getting a diaper changed is like torture to him.
He is SUCH a mama's boys ALREADY!
If anyone else has he and he hears me talk he starts looking all over for me until they turn him towards me and then he just starts fussing for me. He will barely let mom hold him... he fusses the entire time.
Wesley seriously could not be more in love with him. He kisses him all day long and holds him everyday. If we go anywhere and anyone says anything to him he starts saying "I have a baby!" lol. And if we go to someone's house and we tell him we're leaving and someone else is holding Oliver he starts freaking out saying "Get my baby!!". He's very protective already and SO proud!
He has many nicknames already but mostly Olliepop & Monkey Boy :D
We love him SO much and already can't remember life without him. He really has added so much to our little family.

and going out in true Oliver style :D
He is so precious and getting so big! Love the last pic! That's priceless .. what a great expression! :)