On my unusually overwhelming day Friday I had to go to the store and on the way I took Wes by Sonic to grab a bite to eat.
I was trying to per-sway him to get something other then his usual Chicken tenders and fries and gave him the option to get a cheese burger, grilled cheese or hot dog.
He paused for a second and said...
"Can I just have a #7?"
(Popcorn chicken... his fav)
Seriously?! Did he really just bust out with a #7?!
How could I say no to that??
That child really keeps me on my toes lol.
He is SUCH a smart kid.
He's been putting 100 piece puzzles together since he was 2.5
He knows all his letters and what they stand for
His numbers in English up to 20 and in Spanish up to 10.
He can write most of his alphabet without being shown
And seriously this kid is the most technologically inclined 3yr old I've ever seen.
And he is THE BEST big brother ever!
I love him so much more today then I did yesterday but not 1/2 as much as I will tomorrow.
I love you so much booba, big daddy, boobers, scooby dooby, stink.
Thank you for keeping mommy laughing and telling me you love me everyday.
I could not have asked for a better little boy.
I love these pictures of Wes-Man! So very Handsome