Monday, October 25, 2010

Seven months...

It's been 7 months since I had Oliver.

It just goes by too fast.

He has gotten so big! & is 16lbs 4oz & 25 1/2in

He's so handsome.
At times, SO fussy!
 And so silly.

We've had a rough month this past month with him. There has been LOTS of screaming (I swear our neighbors probably think we beat him), lots of squirming, puking, holding and soothing, and just lots of uncomfortableness. :\

But as of right now it seems as though it was a situation where it had to get worse to get better.
{knock on wood. *knock knock*}

In the last week his spitting up had reduced by more then 75% so in the last couple of days I've stopped putting cereal in his bottles all together and he has stopped spitting up!! Thats HUGE!! 

He's so much happier and the rest of his belly issues are getting much MUCH better! 
I'm so excited for him!

He is SO happy all day... 
Once the sun goes down and it's time for bed for the night...

He still doesn't sleep through the night.
He just hates to sleep.
He's up at least twice usually. Unless we let him sleep with us.
Which we don't do very often.

His 1st tooth popped through right after he turned 6months! Soon you'll be able to see it! And that thing is SHARP! 
He likes to chew on the back of his pacies and one day I picked up one of his pacies and was like 'what happened?? It looks like it's been run over!'
He puts scrapes into the plastic and scrapes the pictures it's so sharp lol.

He rode his 1st carousel during Wes' bday celebration (3 times)

He's still barrel rolling all across the floor to get where he wants to go and boy is he FAST! 
He's a huge fan of shoes... Eating shoes that is.
Eating anything really
He thinks any toy Wes is playing with he should be able to play with too.
And he thinks any drink or food you have he should be able to have too and will fuss at you and get so mad because he can't have it.
He loves to fuss and yell at people.
He gets all tensed up and grunts at you and its hilarious!
He keeps me laughing

He's cranky.
Doesn't sleep much.
And screams all day long some days.
 But he's mine... all mine... (well I do have to share him with Wes) and I love him deeply.
And we have a great amazing bond.
I wouldn't trade him for the world.

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