Friday, April 1, 2011

Caught ya!

Oliver loves food.
Any kind of food.
And yesterday (3.31) he got caught twice, red handed sneaking food. 

The first time Charlie and I were hanging out on the couch watching a movie and I was cooling off Oliver some Mac n Cheese for lunch. We heard him playing in the kitchen, he likes to play with the Leap Frog Alphabet magnets on the fridge, and I asked Charlie to go grab him so he could eat. Charlie rounds the corner and says "Um, he's not hungry."
I instantly started laughing because I knew that meant he had found something to eat. 
I go into the dining room and see Oliver covered in CAKE! He had gotten what was left from his cake smash cake on top of a table, pulled it down into the floor, found a way into the tin foil and started chowing down. 
He, and we, thought it was hilarious! 

I got him all cleaned up and fed him, he of course still ate the whole bowel of Mac n Cheese. 
Me and Charlie kept watching our movie while Oliver crawled around playing and we look over and he had gotten my purse down from the chair and had found a 1/2 eaten Fiber One granola bar and was eating that as well! 

He's like a bottomless pit! 
Always, always eating! 
Always hungry or thirsty.
He really keeps us on our toes and entertained. 

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