I took the boys out of town for Thanksgiving since Charlie had to work.
It's the second time I've taken them both out of town without him.
We were gone 3 days but he didn't get to see them until 9pm the 4th day.
And he obviously missed them.
As soon as he got home Wes came running in the living room to see him.
{The 2nd night gone Wes asked to go home because he missed daddy}
And Charlie showered him in kisses and hugs and told him how much he missed him & Wes returned all of the love.
Then he turned his loving to Oliver who was in his jumperoo. Charlie scooped him up and sat down and started kissing him until he was aggravated.
I really don't think he even saw me even when he came in the kitchen to bring me the buns he had picked up at the store on the way home.
We let Wes stay up a little later then usual {he has a 10pm bedtime} and he stayed up until 11. I asked Charlie who was holding a sleeping Oliver to put Wes in bed.
Now Charlie is a dad that doesn't mind a baby in the bed.
And I'm fine with that b/c I love to snuggle up to one or both of my boys from time to time at night.
Any time either boy is even the slightest bit sick or when Oliver gets shots that don't settle well the 1st thing Charlie says is that they are sleeping with us and snuggles them close all night.
Well that night he asked if Wesley could sleep in our bed.
I had just had to sleep with both the boys in a bed for 3 nights and I hadn't gotten much sleep due to Wesley tossing and turning and Oliver waking up looking for his paci, so I said no.
He kept on and kept on and I told him if he wanted to sleep with them so bad he could sleep in their room with them.
Wes came up about that time and said "Come on daddy! You can sleep in my bed if you want..." in the sweetest little boy voice you can imagine.
Melt your heart sweet
So he did.
I figured when I didn't see him again that he had taken them in our room anyways. So when I got up to go to bed I couldn't help but laugh when I walked by the boys room and saw all 3 of them asleep in Wesley's twin sized car bed.
By no means is this the 1st time Charlie has slept in the car bed.
Any time Wes asks he does.
Or he'll go in there just to lay with him and fall asleep.
Charlie can fall asleep ANYWHERE at ANYTIME!
I also have to add that the 3 of them are HEATERS in their sleep.
All 3 get SUPER hot and sweat like pigs!
It's gross really.
I never even knew babies could sweat until Wesley came along and was sweating at night.
Before Oliver there was 1 time I slept between Wes and Charlie when Wes had climbed in our bed in the middle of night and it was a wet, nasty experience lol.
So just imagine the sweaty hotness that occurs when the 3 of them sleep together all covered up!
Oliver is probably the worse sweater.
There have been times that he's fallen asleep on me and I'd move him from my arm and the sweat would run down it! And none of it was mine. It's not even hot in the house! It's insane really lol
You can tell Charlie had put them to bed too... Oliver was wearing pants and no shirt.. typical lol.
And Charlie looked like he didn't intend on staying in there as he was still fully dressed.
I tried to wake him up as I was going to bed {which is a task within itself} and he said he wanted to sleep in there, so I took off his glasses and put them on the dresser and kissed them all goodnight.
The next morning he came in our room asking me why I didn't wake him up to come to bed....
Again Typical lol.
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