In honor of November everyday I've decided to everyday say something different that I'm thankful for.
November 1st
Tonight as with most nights I'm so so so thankful for the ability privilege to conceive and have healthy, beautiful babies.
I know so many people have a hard time even conceiving and then on top of that a hard time carrying a baby to term. I've been blessed enough to be able to conceive relatively easily and to have healthy pregnancies, deliveries and amazing children.
I love my kids so very very much.
"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
~Elizabeth Stone
November 2nd
Today I'm thankful for my husband. My loving husband who stayed up until 4am with Oliver who was screaming last night instead of waking me up 'b/c he was already up' even though he knew he had an 8am meeting. He works so hard to provide for his family and to make sure I can stay home with our boys.
"A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty."
Novemeber 3rd
Today I'm just thankful I finally got my cleaning mojo back!
I'm sure my husband will be too. hah
To know me is to know that I despise cleaning.. I just hate it. Luckily my husband knew from day one of living together that I am not domesticated hahaha.
We always have an endless pile of laundry. I can spend a whole day doing nothing but laundry and it still won't get all done and well Oliver's clothes usually have to be done twice a week and that kid has a ton of clothes.
Today however I got just about everything all caught up! Hooray!
Granted I have no idea where the mojo came from since Oliver has not slept in 2 nights and I'm EXHAUSTED O_o !
"Nature abhors a vacuum. And so do I".
~Anne Gibbons
November 4th
Today I'm thankful for the time I had with my dad before he passed away 6yrs ago today.
Coincidentally he passed on my mom's due date to have me. Luckily I came exactly a week later.
I miss him so much and it makes me incredibly sad that he didn't get to meet my boys.
He would have loved them so so much.
We were so close. I will never doubt the love he had for my brother and I. We were his pride and joy.
Every year on this day I keep myself super busy all day so that I won't think about it but once night time hits and everything is settled down it always hit me.
I think loosing my dad is probably the reason I have SUCH anxiety thinking about something happening to me because I KNOW how much it hurts and I don't want my boys to experience that for a long long long long time.
I try to get comfort from knowing he's with us spiritually but it doesn't make me miss him any less.
The day of his funeral though he did show us he's around;
It started out when mom looked at her phone that morning after it had been charging during the night and his name was highlighted in her contacts.
Then as her and my brother and I were leaving we were on a road where there was no one else and all of a sudden a SUV pulled out in from of us and the tag read:
That did make me feel better.
There have been a couple of other things since then that has let me know he's still watching over me and hopefully protecting the boys and I.
I am glad Charlie got to meet him. We had only been together a few months and at that point he could no longer speak and kept falling asleep but he was in good spirits and showed us his muscles to let us know he was still fighting.
Unfortunately a month later he lost that 10yr fight.
After no one thought he'd make it that long.
He proved all those doctors wrong.
It's just not fair. It was such a rare form of cancer. A form not ever seen in any race other then Japanese....
I love you SO much dad and miss you so very much. It doesn't seem to get better with time. I'll miss you until we meet again some day.
If tears could build a stairway,
And memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again.
~Author Unknown
And memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again.
~Author Unknown
November 5th
I am thankful for my mom.
She has done so much for me and my family and we are so grateful for her.
She is the best 'mawmaw' ever! Wesley loves her SO much as does Oliver.
Tonight is her night with Wesley, he looks forward to Friday's all week.
Love you mom!
"God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers."
~Jewish Proverb
November 6th
I am thankful for a little bit of sleep! Oliver slept pretty ok the last two nights and I was able to get a little more sleep FINALLY. I'm still pretty tired but at least he did let me sleep a little!
Lets make it 3 nights in a row Ollie!
"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one."
~Leo J. Burke
November 7th
Since computer time is forbidden tomorrow I'll go ahead and do my post.
I am thankful for "No Technology Day"
A day full of nothing but family time.
Games, fort building, family crafts, & story telling.
With absolutely no interruptions from phones, or TV or computer or even cleaning.
It's wonderful.
This time around we're putting up our Christmas Tree and we are cheating by taking the boys to see MegaMind.
We'll probably go to the park & Wes loves to play "big people games" with us (Trouble & battleship).
Just good Family fun.
We look forward to it every week.
"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses."
~Joyce Brothers
November 8th
I am thankful for great deals!
But I am.
I rarely find a good deal. I have a friend.. honestly I'm jealous... she finds awesome deals all.the.time. And coincidentally enough I was visiting her when we found out best deal ever!
Our Christmas Tree!
After Christmas '08 we went to visit one of our favorite families, the Krieble's, at their home and we went out and decided to stop by Kmart where we found our perfect tree!
A Martha Stewart, 7ft, pre-lit, never out beauty!
We were SO excited last year to put it up and we were even more excited when we plugged it up and discovered that it also SPINS!!
Ahhhhh.... it's perfect.
O and did I mention we got it for $30!!
Originally $300!!
Can I get a woop woop!
We put up our tree today and Wesley was SO excited.
It's a little early for some... I wanted to put it up on the 1st... I just love Christmas and everything it stands for and all the warm fuzzies it brings.
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
~Norman Vincent Peale
November 9th
I am thankful for Charlie's job.
We've had some ups and downs since he started almost 3yrs ago (? I think) but he's still there and has moved up. I'm just thankful that he has a job at a time when lots of people don't (including myself).
Our lives have not turned out the way we imagined, while I was in school finishing up a degree that was supposed to make us financially stable so that he could finish up school, but, it could always be worse.
And I'm thankful that its not.
It's also great on nights like tonight where I am sick and know I'm not going to feel like cooking tomorrow and he can easily bring something home to be warmed up tomorrow real quick and take that task from me. :)
"Life shouldn't be printed on dollar bills."
~Clifford Odets
November 10th
I am thankful for my fantastic friend Ariel.
Who's birthday is today :)
We have been friends since middle school... probably 7th grade some 11yrs?? Wow.
We were even roomies on our Senior Disney Trip and had plans to go to the same college together until I decided on a different major.
We've always been the type of friends that do not have to talk every day or even every few months but we always pick right back up where we left off.
And she is the ONLY one of my friends that has come to the hospital after both boys were born, and has never missed a birthday of Wesley's and even threw my baby shower with Oliver.
A little more then a year ago we moved into the same neighborhood and we see her quite often.
Wes has now claimed her as HIS best friend.
I know I can always count on her and no one knows me better then she does.
With out a doubt she is my most dependable friend and I feel so blessed to have her in my life.
<3 my Senorita (chop chop chop)
"A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad."
~Arnold H. Glasgow
November 11th
Well 1st off in honor of my birthday I'm thankful to have been born and on such an honorable day.
But much more important then my birthday I am thankful to all of the US veterans!
So many men and woman have given their lives so unselfishly to keep mine and my family's safe and for that I am unbelievably thankful.
Words can't express really.
"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you"
November 12th
I am thankful for my sister-in-law who came and babysat for us yesterday so that Charlie and I could have a night out alone for my birthday!
(And wouldn't you know Oliver was an Angel for her! She laid him in his crib and he fell right to sleep.. really?? I'm starting to think he just doesn't like me!)
We had a wonderful night out. We went to Devine Fish House which was super fancy and o so yummy and to the movies. It's nice to get away every once in a while.
(This is only the 2nd time we've gone anywhere without at least 1 child since Oliver was born)
It's nice to have at least one person from Charlie's side of the family want to be involved with our boys. She loves them and the boys are happy to have their Aunt in their lives.
So thank you again Amber. We really appreciated it :)
November 13th
I am thankful for a hobby that completes me and makes me SO so happy.
I've loved photography for a long time. I fell in love in High School where I did my Senior project on Sports Photography to tie in my love for photography and sports medicine.
I really wanted to go to college for photography, but, was talked into going into the medical field because it was 'safe'. I can't say I don't regret the decision to turn my back from my true passion to do something that I've gained nothing other then some dusty diplomas.
I picked it back up however, after Wesley was born and I FINALLY got a nice digital p&s camera. Once again I found myself hooked, and poor Wesley was my subject.
Since getting my 1st DSLR I've studied and practice. Hard. I like where I'm getting but still, and will always, have more to learn.
I'm not the photographer that strives for perfection. Just something I'm satisfied with.
I want my images to be as close to 'technically right' as it can; however, if I take a photo that isn't, but showcases the subject, for what the subject really is, I'm happy with that.
I'm not out to 'prove' myself as a photography to other photographers. Just to myself.
And one day I'll have repeat clients.
And I'll be getting paid for what I love.
And it will be wonderful.
But for now. I'm going to keep practicing. And getting better. And finding my 'style'.
(And upgrading my camera)
And I'm excited to do it all.
"You don't take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it."
November 14th
I'm thankful for 1 on 1 time with each of my boys.
All 3 of them.
Every now and then Wes and I get to go out and do a little shopping. Just the 2 of us. Or have some play time while Oliver sleeps. And I cherish every moment of it. It takes me back to when he was just him. He's always been so sweet. So loving.
Every weekend Wes spends a night at mom's house so Oliver and I get some alone time. Granted he's almost always grouchy on those days so the time is spent listening to him scream... over nothing usually. But when he's not screaming it's nice to get some snuggle time or floor time with just him and without Wesley getting in his face making him mad. Just him and I bonding.
And then there are the very rare occasions when Charlie and I get to get out. ALONE.
No babies.
Just him and I having adult conversation. Which of course a lot of the time always goes back to the kids. Hopefully once Oliver settles down some more and mom thinks she's able to keep up with him we'll get a little more us time. But right now we cherish what we can get. I always stay up until he gets home and try to spend some quality time then, but, usually by then I'm completely exhausted from Oliver.
November 15th
I am thankful for social networking.
Another one that may be silly.
But once again,
I am anyways.
I get to keep in touch with people that otherwise I wouldn't.
I've met people that I adore, that I otherwise would have never met.
And I've gotten to reconnect with people I had lost contact with.
And for that I am thankful.
November 16th
I am thankful for my 'little' brother.
We definitely didn't always get along as kids but once I moved out we really formed a nice bond.
Granted I still enjoy busting his chops every now and then.
He loves my boys and we are always laughing together.
We are 2 VERY different people; honestly I can't think of... anything we have in common...
And even though his outward appearance may lead you to think he's one way... he's such a nice guy that wears his heart on his sleeve and is VERY protective of the ones he loves.
I love you bro!
Wes use to love to listen to him play on his guitar.
This has always been one of my faves
"I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at."
~Maya Angelou
November 17th
I am thankful for The peas.
It's a message board I was introduced to by a friend and fellow photog almost 2 years ago. I have learned SO much while being there. Actually almost everything I know I learned there.
Any questions I may have I know I can always go there and find an answer.
It's a great little community that I always recommend to people who are wanting to learn more about photography.
November 18th
I am thankful for my family.
I have 4 Aunts, 2 uncles and lots of cousins/2nd cousins on my moms side.
(I know very little, if anything about my dad's side aside from my 1/2 brothers & sisters, & his mom. None of which I've seen since the funeral and before that hadn't seen in 8-10yrs.)
Our family is that loud, fun, loves to get together kind of family.
When we all meet up its always at the same Aunt's house and there is never a dull moment.
We laugh and talk... loudly... there's always some UNO involved and maybe even some Florida Rummy.
We always know that if we ever needed help any one of the other's would step up to do so.
It's a great, sometimes dysfunctional, loving family.
And I love it
"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
~Desmond Tutu
November 19th
I am thankful for good friends and adult conversations! (with people other then my husband)
November 20th
I am thankful my microwave didn't blow up and catch the whole house on fire tonight!
Charlie decided to make microwaveable mac-n-cheese for Wes tonight... without the water!!!
Filled our house with smoke. Had to open all the doors and sit the kids next to them for fresh air... did I mention it was night time and cold??
No common sense I tell ya... none at all hehe
November 21st
I am thankful for a FULL night of sleep!!!
Yes that's right people, Oliver slept all through the night last nice!!
Can I getta WOOP WOOP!!
"Without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds."
~JoJo Jensen, Dirt Farmer Wisdom, 2002
November 22nd
I am super duper thankful that Oliver is mobile!!
Since he started 'army crawling' a few days ago he's been SO happy!!
There has been VERY LITTLE sleep fighting, he'll fall asleep on his own IN HIS CRIB, no where near as much screaming and wanting to be held & has slept through the night the last 3 nights!!!!!!!
He'll lay in the floor and play for more then an hour alone or in his jumperoo.
He's finally gaining some independence and its AWESOME!
November 23rd
I am thankful for our home & thankful we found it when we did.
It's a cute apartment.
Located in a pretty good location.
Close to pretty much everything.
A great size for us & a nice layout.
I'd love to own a home someday.
With a HUGE kitchen.
And someday we will.
But for now our apartment is a great.
The best place we've lived in thus far.
"There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort."
~Jane Austen
November 24th
I'm thankful for the schooling I've had.
Even though economically it hasn't helped me out any.... I'm glad I got through it. It was a rough couple of years to get through but I genuinely LOVED Ultrasound, and I was good at what I did. I miss it.
Everything about it.
I still have hope that one day I'll be able to go back to it.
Perhaps to back to school to perfect it.
Finally get that job I've longed for for 2 long years.
I've always dreamed of opening a 4D clinic with my photography added in since I love Maternity photography as well as newborn.
One day...
"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."
~Malcolm S. Forbes
November 25th
I am thankful for the Holiday season.
After all it is "The most wonderful time of the year!"
There's just a completely different feel, smell, warmth to the holiday season.
The tree going up, being surrounded by family, the smells of the yummy foods and baked goodness... I love it all.
We had a great Thanksgiving surrounded by most of my family, besides poor Charlie who had to work.
We always have so much fun and did lots of laughing, dancing and singing.
It's always a great time.
The whole family tries to get together every year at either Christmas or Thanksgiving... usually at my Aunt Ann's house, and everyone always has a blast.
This year was no exception.
"Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude."
~E.P. Powell
November 26th
Today is my cousin's 23rd Birthday.
And I am VERY thankful for her and the rest of her family for that matter.
From the day she was born up until my Junior year in high school we spent every summer together.
Usually I spent it at her house.
When she was 1st born my mom and I lived with them.
We were thick as thieves for a very long time.
"A cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost."
Marion C. Garretty
November 27th
I'm thankful for our health.
So many people have been affected by terrible illnesses and luckily we've steered clear {knock on wood}.
My dad had cancer for several years so I've seen 1st hand how terrible it can be and the affects it can have on a family. So I thank God every day for my kid's health especially as well as mine and Charlie's.
I can't even imagine what that would be like to have a sick child.
Life threatening sick child.
It would KILL me.
It's one of my greatest fears.
Losing a child in general.
It terrifies me that cancer runs pretty deep on my dad's side. He had... 2... sisters die of breast cancer and then himself.
Terrifies me.
But I have faith we'll be ok.
At least I pray that we will be every.single.night.
"The greatest wealth is health."
November 28th
I'm thankful for my super awesome, should have been my twin or at least my sister, hilarious friend Ashley.
We "met" some 3 1/2 years ago on myspace through baby photo contest we use to enter our boys in. {Seems so lame now hahah}
To say we're a lot alike... well that would be an understatement.
A lot of our lives are even similar.
Kind of crazy.
We stay up WAY to late talking & laughing on yahoo & I still crack up thinking about her husband asking her who in the world she was talking to for so long in SC!! years ago.
We critique each other's photos and feel comfortable doing so.
And we learn from each other.
It sucks we live so far apart, and have only gotten to visit once when Charlie drove us 12... almost 13hrs through the night all the way to see them almost 2yrs ago.
It was such a fun week.
Our families got along from the moment we arrived.
And the boys... you would have thought they had known each other forever.
We were definitely meant to be friends.
She's a great mom.
SO fun/easy to talk to.
A great photographer.
And she gets me.
We NEED to live closer...
Someone make that happen :)
"A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."
~Donna Roberts
November 29th
I'm thankful for books!
I've always liked to read. But it's been a while since I've had time.
When the new Twilight sequel 'Eclipse' came out I went with Ariel, her mom & brother to see it.
I've always liked the movies but wasn't a crazy fan or anything of the sort. I saw the movies once they came on DVD kind of thing.
After we saw the movie Ariel, who has read the books as well as her mom, who has read them multiple times, kept talking about the differences and who this one summed up to the books etc. I asked Ariel to borrow her books and I was HOOKED!
They were like a mini escape from my every day.
I've always heard, about every movie that has been made from a book, about how much better the book is, and until now I never realized how true that is.
I read all 4 books in a RIDICULOUS 4 days.
Really... who does that? They are some BIG books.
I gave her the books back and she couldn't do anything but laugh at me.
I kept talking about all of the different things and even she thought I was crazy for getting through them so fast.
For my birthday Charlie got me the box set and I've started reading the 1st one... much slower this time... but it's just as good as the 1st time.
I have another book I bought shortly after reading the Twilight Saga that was recommended for Twilight readers but so far I haven't been able to get into it the same way... it has a slow start. I was told I needed to get through the 1st 100 pages or so before deciding whether or not I like it but so far I haven't been able to make it there. But I plan too. It's one of another pretty long series.
All the talk of the E books and nooks and the thought of one day there not being any tangible books with actual paper and hard backs makes me sad.
Ok I sound like a nerd now... promise I'm not. :)
"A good book should leave you... slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it."
~William Styron
November 30th
I am thankful for my friends the Krieble's!
I love that family.
They've done so much for us and I know they are always there any time we need them.
And Vise Versa.
I "knew" Kesha in High School but I can't say that we ever had any actual contact, we shared some mutual friends.
A few years later, after we had both had our 1st kids we met up on myspace (see social networking is awesome!) and have been close ever since!
Even when they lived all the way in Colorado she was such a great friend!
She even bought and sent us pretty much all of the things we used for Wes' Blue's Clues 2nd birthday party! (That woman can find a good deal on anything!)
<3 her!
Almost 2yrs ago we took an AWESOME trip to Sea World together! Back when we each only had 1 child but they were expecting their 2nd.
Now they have 2 girlies and we have 2 crazy boys.
Jeesh how much things can change in 2rys!
Our kids love each other and always have so much fun when we get together.
They of course live a few hours away so we don't get to visit as much as we'd like to, but hopefully soon we'll visit again.
I think another Krieble/Crosby family trip definitely needs to to be worked out!
"Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things."
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