Monday, January 24, 2011

Ten Months {Crazy}

Did I really just type that?
Is he really in the double digits??
Do we really only have 2 more months until our baby is ONE???
It's unreal.
He looks way too little to be almost one.
Birthday party plans are underway! Just have to decide on a location and I am super excited about all I have planned.

He had a very eventful 9th month full of all sorts of new tricks and kicks. 

Starting with getting onto his knees this day.
He's always on them now but refuses to actually crawl like that. You can see him thinking about it (like in this picture) and even wanting to but he just lays down and starts off with his one arm, one leg wounded soldier army crawl ahaha.

Getting onto his kness lead to sitting on his knees, which I think is so cute.

Which lead to CLIMBING!!
 and he climbs onto everything!
These are also his two favorite 'toys' The crayola box is his favorite thing to climb on and the Batman Cave he plays with more then Wesley does. He LOVES it! 

And then that lead to him standing using just one hand!.

Before long he'll be walking and we'll really be in trouble O_o

He had 3 teeth pop through out of no where! Which means there has been no shortage of this...
and this...

And since he's been teething pretty hard core he won't sleep unless he's in the same room as me so he's mostly been sleeping in his swing turned chair

He started clapping which is just so adorable.

And he started doing the little 'Indian call' where he says "aaahhhhhh" and pats his mouth. 

He is SO in love with Wesley. As in love with him as Wesley has been with him since he 1st found out he was going to be a big brother. 
Wesley carries him all around the house. He loves to take him into the play room to play (which usually ends up with Oliver screaming b/c Wes has trapped him in the ball pit & he can't get out). Wes watches him like a hawk so that he doesn't put something in his mouth or fall off of anything. Every morning he comes in our room and any time Oliver moves on the bed he grabs him and says "mommy! Oliver's trying to fall off the bed again!" Oliver fell off the bed last month and ever since Wes has been on high alert.

1-13 he pulled up in his crib for the 1st time! He had been following me all around the kitchen crying b/c he was beyond exhausted so I put him in his crib to go to sleep. Well he wasn't having that, so he was in there screaming. When I finally got to a stopping point in cooking I went in to check on him and he was standing there screaming. I started yelling "YAAAYYYYY OLIVER!" and Wes came in clapping and saying "YAY!" but it didn't really sooth him any lol.

He gives High 5's. Sometimes he gets excited and gives High 10's lol.

He's started saying "Bye bye" and he says "Ugh uh" and has impeccable timing with it.
But his favorite is still the dada song. 

He gets into everything and puts everything in his mouth.

 He's such a mama's boy.
He's so sweet and loving and full of smiles and has the best laugh. 

I just love me some him.
Happy 10 months Ollie Ollie oxen-freed! 

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