Tuesday, December 28, 2010


O my boys....
How I love them so.
And moments like last night just tug on my mama heart strings with an intensity. 

The littles and I sat in the floor watching Toy Story 1 & 2 on Disney. Wesley wanted a snach, dry Cheerios.
I poured some Cheerios in a bowl and he sat down beside me in the floor and started chowing down. 
Oliver being Oliver of course freaked out wanting some and it was the cutest thing... Wes started feeding them to him.

He'd never had Cheerios... or anything solid other then the little Gerber puffs so I was a little nervous at first, but he ate them like a champ!

Wes just kept alternating between feeding himself and Oliver.

Every now and then he'd take too long for Oliver and he'd scream at him lol.

Finally Oliver just started diving in and getting his own.

And, so exciting, Oliver started getting up onto his knees!! 
Wes was pretty excited about it too.

Crawling, the easy way, should be coming very soon!

The cheerios ended up in the floor, where they just kept eating them lol. 

A couple of times Wes got tired of Oliver eating all of his Cheerios but after reminding him we had plenty more, he'd shove another into Oliver's mouth for him.

They are so funny, and fun and sweet to each other. I hope it stays this way forever... Fat chance I'm sure.
So I'll enjoy it while it lasts 

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