Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mud puddle splashin'

I took Wes out today to splash in the mud puddles for the 1st time! 

I think I was more excited then he was at 1st (him being a child that isn't a huge fan of being dirty). But once he got out there and started jumping he was hooked! He and I both had so much fun.

He had tongue out, mouth open with each jump! haha

And luckily I was ready when he busted his boot-ae!

Then he got all fresh and clean in a nice warm bubble bath :D

I love our time together with just the 2 of us. Its hard to come by but so precious to me. 

Water babies

We have 2 little water babies on our hands.

We finally got Wesley over his fear of water and he started swimming on his own 6/15 and yesterday at the pool he was really into swimming on his own even after sucking in a couple gulps of water and freaking out he wanted right back in!

I'm so proud of him for conquering his fear and going for it.
He's a pretty timid kid and it takes  A LOT to get him to try new things.

Oliver LOVES the pool. He goes to town almost like a little puppy when you lay him on his belly. He starts kicking and moving his arms all around. He loves it. He wore himself out yesterday after a few minutes and fell asleep.

Too bad they don't make little swimmers in his size. His diaper weighs as much as him when he comes out ;)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Has it really been 3months?!

Yep I guess it has.

Sweet Oliver is 3 months and SUCH a joy.

He loves his jumperoo, being wrapped up (I'm starting to think he's going to still want to be swaddled with he's 12!), playing with Wesley, kicking his legs all around, mommy's attention and he loves to stand up! If you stand him up he'll start putting one foot in front of the other like he's walking. He wants to be big like his brother I guess. He can also roll from his belly to his back and has been sleeping through the night for a couples weeks now.

He hates the car. Really hates it.

He's 11lbs 2oz & 22 1/4in and is eating 4oz every 4-5hrs. His acid reflux seems to be getting much better with the reduction of milk intake and meds which makes for lots less puke to clean up! (YAY!)

He's super happy and he thinks its SO funny to curl his lip under and make the saddest face you've ever seen and then for us to say "no sad faces... HAPPY FACES!!"  He cracks himself up lol

This kid will be trouble I just know it!

Until next month :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Babies babies babies!

I'm terribly new at this but here goes...

I heart faces is doing a challenge this week on babies! (O how I LOVE babies)
And the dear sweet Holly told me I should try it out so I am.

This is a picture of my sweet sweet Oliver who was born 3/24 of this year. 
I spent MONTHS looking into newborn photography and bookmarking all the different poses I wanted to try... of course I didn't get to them all. 
It was my very 1st attempt at newborn photography and I was so very pleased with how they all turned out which is surprising for me. 
I really look forward to my next newborn in counter... hopefully sometime soon.

We still have no idea where he got the chin from.

#7 please

On my unusually overwhelming day Friday I had to go to the store and on the way I took Wes by Sonic to grab a bite to eat.

I was trying to per-sway him to get something other then his usual Chicken tenders and fries and gave him the option to get a cheese burger, grilled cheese or hot dog.
He paused for a second and said...
"Can I just have a #7?"
(Popcorn chicken... his fav)

Seriously?! Did he really just bust out with a #7?!
How could I say no to that??

That child really keeps me on my toes lol.

He is SUCH a smart kid.

He's been putting 100 piece puzzles together since he was 2.5
He knows all his letters and what they stand for
His numbers in English up to 20 and in Spanish up to 10.
He can write most of his alphabet without being shown
And seriously this kid is the most technologically inclined 3yr old I've ever seen.
And he is THE BEST big brother ever!

I love him so much more today then I did yesterday but not 1/2 as much as I will tomorrow. 

I love you so much booba, big daddy, boobers, scooby dooby, stink.
Thank you for keeping mommy  laughing and telling me you love me everyday.
I could not have asked for a better little boy.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More confessions

Yesterday I took Oliver out in leg warmers.
And I don't feel bad about it one bit. 
He looked super cute 
These are the ones he wore out. But he had on an orange shirt
And never once did anyone think he was a girl.
I personally think they are awesome and am in the process of ordering him 5 more pair!
I got so much crap about getting them for him when I was pregnant.
These are his pirate ones and he has a blue & white striped pair and a brown pair with trucks. 
I think they'll be perfect when he starts crawling and I already have an awesome urban shoot all planned in my head for him when he's a bit older in a pair of leg warmers, shorts on and a cute t-shirt.
 It'll be so cute!!
I have at least 2 other shoots planned out with him in them too :)
Granted Charlie thinks I'm crazy for putting them on him but have you seen some of the things Charlie picks out to wear?! haha

I gave in and gave Oliver cereal this morning in his bottle.
He's just been spitting up way to much. Going through 3 & 4 bibs at a time.
So far so good.
He barely spit up this morning and has not worn a bib since he ate!!
He's been super happy all morning smiling like crazy and just being silly.
Seriously this picture just reeks of perfection!

So we'll keep trying that for now. He only gets 1tsp per 2 oz and he drinks 6oz every 5hrs. So its not a whole lot.
Hopefully it'll work and we don't have to go to a GI or anything like that.
I felt uncomfortable buying the cereal.
I wanted Charlie to do it but he waited to late and had to go to work.
I didn't want anyone to think I was one of "those moms" that give their babies cereal early just to make them sleep longer.
I'm so against that. 
Seriously stop being lazy!
If you're going to have a baby then you have to be willing to get up.
It comes with the job 
Anyways that's just my opinion. I'd rather get up with my babies then cause them harm from cereal... just like I'd rather get up with them instead of letting them sleep on their bellies and put them at a higher risk of SIDS.

So if you're reading this and you're one of "those moms"... whether I know you or not... I think you're lazy.

Yesterday I felt extremely overwhelmed
Its the 1st time in my 3yrs 7months 3wks and 2days of being a mother that I really wanted to freak out!
I'm not sure why.
Maybe it was PMS (lol)
Oliver would not sleep yesterday... at all
I finally got him to sleep and Wes woke him up!
Wes was driving me crazy!
Wrecking through everything in the house and it seemed like he would not be quiet for 2 seconds!
I just wanted 30 seconds to myself. 
Which I can't even get in the bathroom.... Wes follows me every time I go in there.
I love my kids something fierce but yesterday I just needed a minutes break.
I didn't get it.
I never do.
But that's ok.
That's the life of a SAHM right?
I got over it and snuggled Oliver nice and tight in bed late last night.

But yesterday was yesterday and today is today.
And today I'm not overwhelmed.
And I probably won't be tomorrow either. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

They make me smile

I'm sure I've heard this song before but tonight after my dinner with just me and my Wesley I heard it on the radio and ACTUALLY listened to it I guess and its so perfect for the boys. I love them so much and they really do keep me smiling. 

Especially when Wes says things like he said at dinner... He looked at me and out of no where said "Lookin good mommy... Lookin good" hahahah I love him so much!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2 month check up

Monkey had his 2 month wellness check up... and Shots!
Thankfully they just got a new shot in that is 3 in 1 so instead of 5 shots he only had 3.
Ugh that never gets easier no matter how many times you go.

He now weighs a whopping 9lbs 4oz & is 22in long! That's 3lbs 1oz and 3in since he was born! He's getting so big!

It was confirmed today that he has acid reflux like Wes had. :(
I thought the Dr. was going to prescribe him something but instead we have to start mixing cereal in his milk and see if that helps... He said it will weigh it down? I'm not so sure about that but I do know he's going to get SUPER chunky from it which I'm not happy about... I like my little baby.

Today his belly must be really bothering him b/c he's much more fussy then usual. Hopefully the cereal will help.

We have not started the cereal... Its just not something I feel comfortable trying. And excitingly Oliver has (knock on wood) stopped spitting up by more then 1/2. He just has like normal baby spit up now lol. I'm excited and hope it stays that way. So I'm just hoping and praying it stays that way.